Fediverse | Servers | Members
~30 users reported
Wir erweitern das Mastodon-Netzwerk um einen unserer Server. Das grundlegende Konzept eines dezentralen Netzwerkes mit Quelltextoffenheit gemäß AGPL hat uns dazu besonders inspiriert.
Trans House
~56 users reported
A server specifically made for and run by the trans community!
Tomb Raider Social
~52 users reported
Tomb Raider Social is a decentralised, privacy-focused, short-form social media network powered by Mastodon.
Patrick's Peaceful Park for Prose and Post Publications
~4 users reported
I'm hosting this to have a public presence on the internet again after more than a decade away from social media.
~4 users reported
Instance self-hosted. Thèmes/sujets abordés : lifestyle, vie perso, tech, cinéma, series, etc.
~5 users reported
private toot
~8 users reported
Invite-only general use Mastodon server.
Mastodon by GreenCounsel
~3 users reported
Legal tech company GreenCounsel runs this Mastodon instance. We are here to contribute to a sustainable and fair social media development.
~56 users reported
~6 users reported
mastodon.seism0saurus.de ist das zu hause meiner Bots, die ich betreibe.
Spicy Crust Pizza
~5 users reported
An unofficial Mastodon instance for the SCP Foundation community! Brought to you by SkipIRC.
Between The Lions
~3 users reported
Server run by a technologist in New Mexico, USA.
Does Not Exist
~8 users reported
@katze‘s kratzbaum
~5 users reported
🥨 Just a cat from the fediverse 🥨
~69 users reported
Pizza Enbies
~6 users reported
A place for nice anarchist enbies who need a safe space. Post your hot takes, art, videogames you're playing, and whatever else is in your little heart. Liking vegan pizza is optional, but encouraged.
Devco Social
~4 users reported
This is a private Mastodon server used by @ripienaar
~3 users reported
~8 users reported
Flogisto Social
~3 users reported
A small, intentional community for creatives.
~5 users reported
~7 users reported
~11 users reported
Es para ir probando, registros abiertos pero de vez en cuando se va a formatear el servidor así que no se recomienda su uso más allá de pruebas.
社群微博 Weibo.social
~10 users reported
~6 users reported