Fediverse | Servers | Members
~2 users reported
This server is operated by the Porpoise Conservation Society for scientists & science enthusiasts, educators and students.
~2 users reported
Ivors Mastodon
Social LoSnoCo
~3 users reported
~3 users reported
~2 users reported
Kleine private Instanz von Mo
~7 users reported
The PolyCult offers the finest in puppy girl dating.
We are a largely trans, queer polycule of nerds. This is in fact social media for a Polycule. Well done finding us, we hope you join in the fun.
~4 users reported
~2 users reported
Aquest servidor està en proves, i té com a funció mostrar a la comunitat que la UAB pot tenir un servidor propi de xarxes socials, federat i descentralitzat.
~3 users reported
Gallifrey.Social is a place for Timelords and their companions to share thoughts on traveling through time and space.
~2 users reported
~9 users reported
A mastodon server for everyone who is into balfolk dancing and music
~3 users reported
Això és el servidor experimental i en català de loar.
Mastodon - rhizolreality.org
~4 users reported
mastodon.rhizoreality.org is a space for discussion, showcase and debate among cultural communities interested in the intersections between art, architecture, design and science.
home2000 - private Mastodon Instanz
~3 users reported
Eine private Mastodon-Instanz - wer mich kennt darf gerne nach einem Account fragen.
~2 users reported
The Crossroads Inn
~3 users reported
Dejvino's Mastodon
~2 users reported
Personal server instance.
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
buy shitpost cheap
~2 users reported
A small instance for a queer friend circle. If you know any of us and want an account here, feel free to request an invite.
Mastodon Glitch Edition
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
Private instance. No registration allowed, posts are deleted base on their age.
~2 users reported
Hier findet Ihr den Mastodon-Server von "sternfuehrer.space". Dieser Server steht zukünftig allen Astronomiebegeisterten, Amateurastronomen und Raumfahrtinteressierten zur Verfügung.