Fediverse | Servers | Members
~6 users reported
~50 users reported
This server is operated by Cajutel (Sierra Leone) Ltd, the fastest growing internet provider in Sierra Leone. It is open to anyone, especially to west africans and the free press.
~9 users reported
~9 users reported
~6 users reported
Oh shit whaddup?
This is a Mastodon instance for people I know leaving Twitter, and wanting to use a server run by someone they know personally.
~8 users reported
~14 users reported
Plumes.io est une communauté d'auteur•ices, de scénaristes et d'illustrateur•ices avec un intérêt pour le domaine de l'imaginaire: science-fiction, fantasy, fantastique, polar et thriller.
~6 users reported
~15 users reported
~6 users reported
Frogodon! O mastodonte anfíbio.
~7 users reported
PT: Bem vindo ao Frogodon, um servidor brasileiro, que apesar de sido criado pra uso pessoal, aceita sapos e humanos de todas as linguas.
EN: Welcome to Frogodon, a Brazil server for frogs and humans
~6 users reported
Die Ehrengruppe
~11 users reported
Hallo. Dies ist der Server der Ehrengruppe. Einer Gruppe von Freunden, die gerne auch mal was zusammen machen.
~8 users reported
Bequeme Couch
~8 users reported
This is a comfortable couch in the Fediverse for a few friends 🛋️
~6 users reported
~7 users reported
~15 users reported
A Bluenosers place to toot
~6 users reported
A friends and family instance for Nova Scotian friends and family.
~8 users reported
~2 users reported
~7 users reported
A small server for friends to mingle.
Shoulda Gone Offroad
~8 users reported
A small off-road community.
~8 users reported
This is a personal server, meant for us to communicate each on their own terms
The Quux World fediverse node
~9 users reported
Quux World was almost an invitation-only foocamp/barcamp thunk up in 2019. We still have the online infrastructure we started building, including this Fediverse node.