Fediverse | Servers | Members
~9 users reported
~31 users reported
Mastodon for the general Speedrunning Community! Everything Speedrun, Video Games and Gaming News welcome!
TRG Mastodon Serverr
~31 users reported
This is a mastodon server for TRG content creators.
We will not be accepting viewers at this time. See https://joinmastodon.org/servers for a list of servers you can follow from instead.
~46 users reported
Retr0 Party
~33 users reported
A place mainly for retro gamers and people who enjoy tech, gadgets, and photography
Mastodon Garden
~25 users reported
A Mastodon server for the Chicago civic tech community
~38 users reported
For people who like plants and nature
My Interfederation Network Mastodon
~21 users reported
Instanz von myifn.de. Hier soll es jedem ermöglicht werden, dem Fediverse zu joinen. Der Server wird in Deutschland gehostet und unterliegt somit dem Deutschen Datenschutz und Recht.
Appellate Social
~84 users reported
This server is a place for those who gathered under the old #appellatetwitter hashtag, those who followed along, and those who want to maintain something similar in this new mastodon world.
~280 users reported
~28 users reported
~3 users reported
Une instance personnelle ❤
~3 users reported
Mastodon @ UMU
~26 users reported
Insomnia Zone
~60 users reported
~6 users reported
~115 users reported
This is a Mastodon instance for scholars of religion (any tradition, methodology, or period).
~4 users reported
~3 users reported
Hola, esta es una instancia no pública para uso personal. Los motivos son varios: está alojada en un servidor con escasos recursos, no tengo interés ni tiempo para administrar o moderar una instancia.
~11 users reported
Instancia oficial de Diableco
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
~6 users reported
~5 users reported
Small instance for my personal/family/friends use.
Content here is mostly queer, tech, furry, left-wing.
~12 users reported