Fediverse | Servers | Members
~791 users reported
~736 users reported
Servidor Argentino de mastodon por la soberanía del cómputo y los datos.
~347 users reported
~10590 users reported
mstdn.tokyocameraclub.comは東京カメラ部が運営するMastodonのインスタンス(サーバー)です。 「カメラがある暮らし」をより楽しくすることを目的として、写真や動画などを投稿・閲覧するためのグループです。こちらの趣旨に賛同いただける方はどなたでも無料で参加いただけます。
Mastodon ☕
~1370 users reported
A coffee-purpose, English speaking Mastodon server that runs on coffee.
~893 users reported
~762 users reported
~14894 users reported
~324 users reported
Velkommen til Helvede, fediversets hotteste instance! Vi er en queerfeministisk server, der shitposter i den 9. cirkel.
Welcome to Hell, We’re a DK-based queerfeminist server.
Read our server rules!
~676 users reported
Mastodon instance focusing on hiking, mountaineering, climbing, backpacking and the outdoors.
~1975 users reported
머스타드(Mustard)는 여러분의 일상에 톡 쏘는 즐거움을 더하는 연합 뷔페입니다.
~764 users reported
Another server for the furry community. We have some special features related to higher quality images and video on our instance. Check out https://furries.club/about
~2311 users reported
a mastodon instance run by LibreOps
Babka Social
~882 users reported
A site where you can be unapologetically Jewish, with a healthy, diverse community of Jews and Jewish allies.
~1224 users reported
We are a server dedicated to professional and academic individuals and organizations working on energy transition policy, infrastructure, technology, journalism, and science.
~2183 users reported
Just your average friendly Danish Mastodon server.
New users tooting in Danish/English welcome.
Administered from Denmark. Hosted on bare-metal Kubernetes in the EU.
VT Social
~1120 users reported
The biggest VTuber instance, by VTubers for VTubers and adjacent content creators.
~206 users reported
A co-op run social media server for all Canadians. More info at https://blog.cosocial.ca
Iztasocial - La red social de la FES Iztacala
~3079 users reported
Instancia para uso académico de SUAyED Psicología. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Red social disciplinar para la discusión de psicología.
Dudas manuel.meza@iztacala.unam.mx
PodcastIndex Social
~1362 users reported
Intended for all stake holders of podcasting who are interested in improving the ecosystem
Mastodon NoBIGTech
~3417 users reported
Servidor de Mastodon del proyecto nobigtech.es, se aloja en Bilbao, Euskal Herria. Temas generales, políticas de izquierdas.
~658 users reported
iriseden Mastodon
~11138 users reported
Instance Mastodon hébergée en France chez OVH (AS16276) et maintenue par @iriseden. Vos données ne seront jamais partagées à qui que ce soit et sont sauvegardées tous les jours. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes, les sujets sont libres tant que vous respectez les quelques conditions. Vous pouvez aussi vous inscrire sur mon instance Peertube ou une autre :)
~613 users reported
Svensk version av Mastodon.
Science Mastodon
~1518 users reported
A mastodon instance designed primarily for science journalists and scientists. Those who wish to join: to avoid significant delays in accepting your application please let us know your real name, your affiliation, and your area of expertise. Thank you!