Fediverse | Servers | Members
~891 users reported
Icosahedron.website is a mastodon instance and part of the ActivityPub network / the Fediverse.
~2349 users reported
dizl.de ist eine kleine Mastodon Instanz.
Wir bieten einen kleinen Gemeinschaftsraum - Be excellent to each other.
Die Hauptsprache dieser Instanz ist deutsch.
~736 users reported
~3637 users reported
我們致力打造華語世界最具深度、多元性和國際視野的去中心化內容社群。基於 Mastodon 和區塊鏈技術,我們為創作者和讀者提供一個自主且互動的微網誌平台。我們的目標是通過去中心化的體驗,培育高品質的原創內容,協助創作者建立忠實的粉絲群,並促進跨領域的創作者合作。
Український Mastodon
~2169 users reported
Український Mastodon для біженців з Twitterу. Twiukraine twiukraine.com
Щоб додати посилання сюди з Твіттеру, використовуйте https://gotwu.me/@twiukraine/109523576844900640
~610 users reported
We're like licorice. Not everybody likes licorice, but the people who like licorice really like licorice.
~7788 users reported
Welcome to Moth.social. Our mission is to make Mastodon fun & user friendly for everyone. We also build Mammoth for iPhone, iPad & Mac --the easiest way to Mastodon.
~636 users reported
~443 users reported
Mastodon site for Musicians and people into Music
Neuromatch Social
~1387 users reported
We are a cooperatively-governed instance. Please read our About page for further details.
Mastodon Tetaneutral.net
~898 users reported
Instance de Mastodon, réseau social de micro-blogging libre et décentralisé hébergée par l'association Tetaneutral.net.
~626 users reported
A small regional Mastodon instance for those in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia areas. Local news, commentary, and conversation.
~289 users reported
Wir sind eine inklusive Mastodon-Community für alle Themen rund um Pen and Paper und Rollenspiel, oder kurz: #pnpde
Cуполка беларусаў у Mastodon / VKL.world
~1812 users reported
Першы беларускамоўны сервер у сеціве Mastodon. Размовы з тымі, хто разумее 😏
Server only for Belarusian-language users.
~314 users reported
~8035 users reported
A Mastodon instance for Economists.
~1228 users reported
Console.WriteLine("Hello W🌍rld!"); .NET Community on Mastodon; not affiliated with Microsoft. We welcome all people interested in .NET.
jawns.club 🐘
~975 users reported
Welcome to the first mastodon based community for Philadelphians who ❤️Philadelphia! Think of this instance as a new neighborhood in Philly that anyone can be a part of, because it's online.
~288 users reported
Spejset är en instans för folk i Sverige som definierar sig som vänster
~404 users reported
We are CatCatNya~, a left-wing instance founded by cats, for cats (and more!)
~1091 users reported
Church of the SubGenius Members-Only MastoDobbs.
~361 users reported
Von Brettspielern für Brettspieler.
~240 users reported
~591 users reported
Instance éducative et pédagogique à destination des classes francophones et leur.s enseignants.s participant ou souhaitant participer aux projets proposés par l'association SCOllectif.
Cloud Island
~190 users reported
A paid membership, strongly and pro-actively moderated Mastodon instance hosted entirely in Aotearoa New Zealand.