Fediverse | Servers | Members
BaWü.social – Mastodon für Baden-Württemberg
~152 users reported
Dies ist die Mastodon-Instanz des Landesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg (LfDI Bawü).
~214 users reported
特に決まったテーマはありませんが、主に生活や社会、文化全般の話題に興味のある方に向いている Mastodon サーバーです。多様な方々が安心して過ごせる場所を目指しています。
~2755 users reported
~265 users reported
utopia.cool 是一个自由、友善、开放的「言论广场」。
I'm in Space
~1083 users reported
A generalist Mastodon instance with a nice domain name. Running on Glitch Social's fork with a custom theme and a 1024 characters limit!
~233 users reported
~1361 users reported
A social network for guys who are into hypnosis.
~1546 users reported
Welcome to NorCal.social! This is a Mastodon instance specifically intended for anyone who lives in or has a connection to Northern California. All are welcome, join today :)
~547 users reported
mograph.social is a space for the Motion Design community. VFX artists, 3D artists, animators, designers and coders with an interest in moving images are all welcome. NO CRYPTOART / NFTs ALLOWED.
~369 users reported
a/social indipendente di Roma
~694 users reported
A Mastodon instance for sauropod appreciators everywhere.
~2413 users reported
A Mastodon community for information and journalism. Please click "About" and read our rules and Code of Ethics before applying.
Spacey Space
~712 users reported
The place for all things Space! Rocket Launches, Space Weather, Human exploration of the cosmos, and dreams of the future! Welcome to your new space for all things space!
~493 users reported
~1637 users reported
Twatter but with a focus on hypnosis and art
Mastodon Wargamers
~712 users reported
Mastodon server for people who are interested in tabletop wargames of the board, card, mini, and hex and counter variety.
The Body Social
~535 users reported
Body positivity and acceptance social network celebrating our bodies.
~2379 users reported
We are a Mastodon instance for LGBT+ and allies!
~341 users reported
Legal.Social is the Mastodon instance for legal debate.
Bookwor.ms / 本の虫
~560 users reported
a Mastodon instance for book lovers.
Wikis World
~200 users reported
Wikis World is a Mastodon server for wiki enthusiasts.
~624 users reported
Mastodon - Augsburg.social
~409 users reported
Augsburg.Social bietet diese Instanz an damit Du Deinen Weg ins Fediverse finden kannst. Der Dienst richtet sich an Augsburg und Umgebung.
dot lol
~213 users reported
cyberpunk.lol: putting the punk back in cyberpunk since 2023! more info: https://cybersyndicate.info
~490 users reported
Uma instância 🇵🇹 dedicada à tecnopolítica e também a tudo o resto. Regras e termos em ciberlandia.pt ❤️ 🏳️🌈