Fediverse | Servers | Members
~496 users reported
~398 users reported
Jazz on Mastodon = Jazztodon
~298 users reported
The Jazztodon instance is the home on Mastodon for jazz people! Join the discussion of all types of jazz and related music.
Donations for server expenses: https://tinyurl.com/3sc2y2fs
~272 users reported
~218 users reported
The Extinction Rebellion Mastodon, for use by XR Groups around the world.
~141 users reported
~233 users reported
~234 users reported
Opalstack Social
~1480 users reported
For professionals and brands. Focus on your market, not administration.
~105 users reported
This Mastodon Instance is intended to serve citizens and residents of British Columbia, Canada. We respectfully occupy this virtual space within the Traditional Territories of First Nations peoples.
~48 users reported
Diese Mastodon-Instanz wird vom überregionalen netzaktivistischen Zusammenhang Datenfreude betrieben. Dazu zählen https://datenpunks.de und https://kleindatenverein.org.
~1682 users reported
~8 users reported
~1189 users reported
~34 users reported
Heise Medien on Mastodon
~68 users reported
Der Mastodon-Server von und für Heise Medien und insb. die Nachrichten von heise online.
~119 users reported
rheinhessen.social ist eine Mastodon-Instanz für Nutzer*innen aus Rheinhessen.
~106 users reported
ごきげんよう ようこそクラウド女学院へ
D64 Social
~117 users reported
D64 ist das Zentrum für digitalen Fortschritt. Unser Ziel ist es, die Grundwerte Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität durch eine progressive Digitalpolitik zu verwirklichen.
~1002 users reported
metalverse.social is a Mastodon instance hosted in Germany from Metalheads for everybody.
-Where the Metal connects-
~254 users reported
~169 users reported
Alles rund um, über, aus & für das Land Brandenburg
Mastodon - NZOSS
~398 users reported
This is a mostly te reo Māori and English language instance, for folks in Aotearoa New Zealand. We talk a lot about openness, technology, and improving our society. Helping folk associated with Aotearoa New Zealand engage in the Fediverse since 2017.
Mastodon Polska
~532 users reported
Mastodon Polska, to instancja wolnej i otwartej sieci społecznościowej, dostępna dla każdego kto chce dzielić się swoim światem z innymi. Zapraszamy!
~2542 users reported