Fediverse | Servers | Members
Bunt wie das Leben
~51 users reported
~34 users reported
Nekoverse: Put on the cat ears and experience the cutest Mastodon instance there is! ~ Cuteness thanks to 甘城なつき/Nachoneko.
~41 users reported
libori.social ist eine freie, digital nachhaltige und soziale Plattform für pastoral Interessierte im Erzbistum Paderborn.
Themen: Alltägliches, sowie Austausch über Kirche und Pastoral.
Shark corner
~100 users reported
They've gone sending from Glauca.Space, to find another place. MOBILE APP USERS: if you're trying to sign up with a mobile app go back and select login to authenticate with our SSO.
A Social Front Organization
~44 users reported
~96 users reported
This is a mastodon instance for all the trekkies out there, feel free to share your love of Trek and geek out!
~80 users reported
Mastodon Instanz der Bits & Bäume Bewegung https://bits-und-baeume.org
Crosstalk Solutions Official Mastodon Server
~140 users reported
Official Mastodon server of the Crosstalk Solutions YouTube channel.
Networking | VoIP | WiFi
~133 users reported
Eine Mastodon-Instanz für die Naheregion. Frei von Werbung, mit chronologischem Feed, kein Tracking. Gemacht von Menschen für Menschen.
Natter? more like Notter
~111 users reported
~138 users reported
~79 users reported
schach.social dient dem Austausch aller Schachbegeisterten im deutschsprachigen Raum und wird von der Deutschen Schachjugend e.V. betrieben.
~32 users reported
🌍 Français
Bienvenue sur The Rich Mountain, le réseau social dédié aux passionnés d’archéologie, d’histoire ancienne et de découvertes archéologiques. Ici, chercheurs, amateurs et curieux du passé pe
~133 users reported
동네 어디에나 있는 슈퍼마켓 입니다.
개인 서버에서 운영되고 있습니다.
~73 users reported
A glitch-soc fandom-focused instance.
Joomla Social
~68 users reported
Joomla! focused Mastodon instance.
~24 users reported
Join us to celebrate the beauty of Earth, fostering a harmonious relationship between humanity and the environment. Together, we can make a difference and inspire others to do the same.
~41 users reported
Mastodon instance for the chaosfurs telegram group; A bunch of IT furries.
Please note that this server is mainly for a closed group. Signup requests by unknowns will be rejected.
~59 users reported
~55 users reported
Suomalaisille käyttäjille tarkoitettu vaihtoehto Mastodonin maailmaan.
Palvelua ylläpitää Pikaviestin.fi -tiimi ja palvelinresurssit tarjoaa kapsi.fi.
An t-Ailbhean
~89 users reported
This server is aimed at Gaelic speakers.
Tha am frithealaiche seo ann do luchd na Gàidhlig.
Ma tha duilgheadas agad leis a’ CAPTCHA, cuir post-d thugainn air rianaire@co-shaoghal.net
Toots Social
~956 users reported
Share. Explore. Communicate. Social networking, back in your hands.
A mastodon instance hosts by Toots.Social
La Pataterie
~40 users reported
Pareil que Twitter mais pas plein de pubs, d'algorithmes cringe, de wakos de droite et j'vend pas vos données au y'abe. Parle au reste du ✨fediverse✨ et hébergé avec amour à Hochelag ❤️
~28 users reported
~37 users reported