Fediverse | Servers | Members
~23 users reported
A Mobilizon decentralized server administrated in the Boston, MA, area but open to the entire galaxy
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
This is a small private instance running Iceshrimp.NET. Federation is set to an allow list instead of a block list and profile/post URLs are only visible to logged-in users. Facebook, techbros, AI companies, and any other money hungry piece of shit who's trying to take over the internet can fuck off.
Lenny's Adventures
~1 users reported
Over zelf dingen maken, muziek, leuke uitjes en andere dingen die mij bezighouden
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
part of a federation of humans looking forward to the future
~30 users reported
~1 users reported
Grenzüberschreitende Wanderungen auf altneuen Bergwegen in Sachsen, Böhmen und Schlesien
~1 users reported
Geführte Wanderungen in der Erlebnisregion Dresden und Umgebung
~2 users reported
om rörelser i tänkande och samhälle
L'autre blog de Scriiipt
~1 users reported
Le jeu de rôle est un loisir qui consiste à s’installer avec quelques amis autour d’une table pour décrire de façon collaborative les aventures de personnages fictifs évoluant dans un monde imaginaire.
Epistafi Blog
~1 users reported
Pagan Essentials
~1 users reported
The Witch's Online Resource
Raízes do Cerrado - Cultura viva
~1 users reported
Ponto de Cultura Digital de formação e produção audiovisual
ZenDiT | Video
~5 users reported
ZenDiT | Video ist eine mit ActivityPub verbundene, dezentrale Video-Streaming-Plattform, die P2P-Technologie direkt in Ihrem Webbrowser nutzt. Sie fördert digitale Teilhabe und Datenschutz durch eine unabhängige Infrastruktur.
~1 users reported
The friendly Operating System for the Internet of Things
Eine Welt - One World
~1 users reported
Ökumenischer 1Welt-Kreis Ruhla (D)
Sanjay Mohindroo
~1 users reported
"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." - Marcus Tullius Cicero.
안드로메다 토끼
~6 users reported
Beauty in Ruins
~1 users reported
Proofreading, Editing, and Reviews
Sanjay K Mohindroo
~1 users reported
Sanjay Mohindroo
~1 users reported
Sanjay Mohindroo's Thoughts
- Stories By DBW -
~1 users reported
Epic Fantasy, Action and Adventure, Land of Elyria, book series
Inspirations of Love and Hope
~1 users reported
Reflections on Post-Viral ME/CFS: Insights and Healing Through Writing and Spirituality.
Murs à Pêches
~1 users reported
Association MAP