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Krispy's Blog
~1 users reported
Elke mening telt, maar telt elke mening...
~1 users reported
What have we done to our planet
Dan Roach Flying Author
~1 users reported
Aviation, science and space, idiosyncratically...
يونس بن عمارة
~1 users reported
يونس بن عمارة: كاتب ومُترجم وصانع محتوى من الجزائر، مؤسس المجتمع الرقميّ رديف
Culture War, Class War
~1 users reported
Culture War is Class War disguised. The Wealthy Elite--the "Filthy Rich"--foment Culture War in society to distract and cover their real economic motives. Culture War, Class War explores the resulting cultural divide--how it was instigated and kept alive for fifty years in America by certain elite powers and how and why they choose to benefit while tearing families in two and keeping America paralyzed.
فنون البلاغة العربية
~1 users reported
بلاغة العرب وجمال لغتهم العربية التي تسيل من أفواههم كما يسيل الماء من في السقاء
Funny God
~1 users reported
Facebook Funny Revelations and the Mind's True Liberation
Apocalypse - NO!
~1 users reported
You Cannot Say No to Apocalypse Until You Know Apocalypse
The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates
~1 users reported
Planetmates Bringing Tough Love for Humans and a Message of Hope
Benway Series
~1 users reported
Scritture di ricerca.
Blog del Grupo de Investigación Siglo de Oro
~1 users reported
GRISO-Universidad de Navarra
The convergence of tech and brands
~1 users reported
The world is going MadTech
Becoming Authentic
~1 users reported
Getting Real
El tábano economista
~1 users reported
Miradas incómodas sobre la economía mundial
Otome Kitten
~1 users reported
Otome Game Reviews, News and Walkthroughs
~2 users reported
Social media owned by you
Agenda Subterrania
~10 users reported
Agenda colaborativa de conciertos y eventos independientes en Cantabria
Santiago Ramón y Cajal
~11 users reported
Salamanca por Cajal y la Ciencia nace para concienciar y fomentar una cultura de reconocimiento a D. Santiago Ramón y Cajal como figura egregia y prez de España.
~731 users reported
Where Trends Meet Truth
Mania News
~1 users reported
News, Politics, and Opinion Articles from Mania Africa
Dandelion Doorways
~1 users reported
Close your eyes & open your mind.
~1 users reported
Notte fredda e insonne l'abbraccio caldo che manca.
Catholic Thinker
~1 users reported
Just thinking a little.
Klaire fait Grr - Blog
~1 users reported
Parenting Patch
~6 users reported
Where Parents Grow