Fediverse | Servers | Members
~121 users reported
~26 users reported
IfWO Mastodon
~45 users reported
Raum für Irritationen
~29 users reported
The hottest lineage.
~38 users reported
Community of active transportation users & enthusiasts in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
~80 users reported
FlokiNET Social
~34 users reported
Our MonkeySphere
~33 users reported
This Monkey Sphere is here to provide an online living room to our little group friends, their friends, and their friends’ friends
Karlsruhe.Social Mastodon
~57 users reported
Betrieben von:
Andreas Gräber
Pfeiferäcker 14
76287 Rheinstetten
Server Titelfoto: AdobeStock / tichr
~81 users reported
~40 users reported
GNU/Linux Social
~73 users reported
The GNU/Linux Social (glsocial) is a Mastodon instance for people devoted to Free Software principles and the surrounding culture/background.
~66 users reported
Run by u/djundjila as a trial balloon to see whether adding a mastodon instance to the sub/barn/ranch scratches an itch.
Initially, this is open to active sub members of r/wetshaving.
~37 users reported
This is the place in Cyberspace for Geraffel-Village and its friends. To get access ask in in the Threema Bar channel or the geraffel-village channel.
Collapsible Systems
~43 users reported
Collapsible.Systems is a research node to collect and share knowledge relating to the Collapsible Project (see https://wiki.collapsible.systems).
~41 users reported
Mastodon-Instanz von FRÜF – Frauen reden über Fußball. 💛💚 FLINTA*-Menschen werden bei Account-Requests bevorzugt behandelt.
Social Curling
~61 users reported
A Mastodon life raft for Curling Twitter #twitterspiel
When creating an account, please mention what curling club you curl out of. (Helps weed out the spam.)
Agile Alliance Mastodon
~160 users reported
Mastodon for Agilists! Want to create an account here? Become a member of Agile Alliance to join this server and/or log in with your membership account and visit the Member Portal. agilealliance.org
~100 users reported
~339 users reported
~146 users reported
Deutschsprachige Mastodon-Instanz für Kinkster und deren Freunde
~139 users reported
Chat about any and all tabletop miniature wargaming. Games, minis & terrain, everything goes. Sponsored by Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy. Other kinds of tabletop wargaming, see wargaming.social
OpenDesktop Social
~1490 users reported
~119 users reported
~115 users reported
Is there anything more important than creating our own independent and distributed social networks?