Fediverse | Servers | Members
~156 users reported
~31 users reported
~121 users reported
~38 users reported
~110 users reported
A squeaky server for members of the Looner/Inflatables community.
This is a multilingual instance.
~145 users reported
A breezy, GMRVA-centric (but not exclusive) Mastodon instance.
~39 users reported
~15 users reported
~8 users reported
This server is to provide a home for deltaYeet's fine family of space bots (and a couple non-space bots that like to hang out with them)
~9 users reported
This is a server which is shared amongst friends with mostly, Anime, Photography and Tech related content.
~9 users reported
yeen.exposed - Heute Tag des offenen Geheges.
~7 users reported
a small silly yeen, with a small silly instance.
if u wanna join just hit me. we do not tend to grow but if u insist...
~8 users reported
Diese Instanz ist offen für Menschen, die sich für ein friedliches Miteinander einsetzen. Sie wird betrieben von Adrian und Gisela Dymorz.
~10 users reported
~28 users reported
Private instance of mastodon.
~6 users reported
Mastodon - NerdZoom Media
~6 users reported
Dieser Server ist für das NerdZoom Media Team und angeschlossene Formate & Sendungen.
ABC Mastodon
~8 users reported
Detta är en mastodon-instans enbart för ABC-klubbens medlemmar. Om du är medlem, vänligen använd din abc-email-address vid registreringen så det blir enklare för administratörerna att godkänna.
Mastodon Bergen Social
~8 users reported
Privat ustabil server driftet på hobbybasis
~17 users reported
Sayansi.social è un'istanza in lingua italiana dedicata agli appassionati di scienza, ambiente e tecnologia
~18 users reported
~12 users reported
~25 users reported
👋 A friendly social network for residents of Detroit, MI.
~18 users reported
This is a server for volunteers and supporters of the FaithTree Network.
FPV Social
~12 users reported
Welcome to FPV.Social! Join us to share builds, ask for advice, and connect with others passionate about all things FPV. Seasoned pros and beginners welcome. See you in the skies!