Fediverse | Servers | Members
Registrar Trek: The Next Generation
~17 users reported
A project to break down language barriers and connect registrars worldwide
Arne P. Böttger
~3 users reported
My personal notes about life
~4 users reported
The Pop-Culture E-Zine
Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam
~1 users reported
Todon Acties
~9 users reported
radicaal linkse acties in .nl en .be / radical leftist actions in .nl and .be
~8 users reported
Join Liverpool's vibrant Fediverse community on CollabFC, where football fans connect and share in a dynamic, dedicated space across one hosted network.
~1 users reported
Rob's personal single-user Mastodon instance
~35 users reported
人外の為の 人外好きの為の場所
加入希望の方は @WhiteMen までご一報くださいませ
Animales en fuga
~103 users reported
Instancia para personas y colectivas veganas/antiespecistas de habla hispana.
Creada por 4w4 y ahora mantenida por su familia y amistades en su memoria.
Al crear una cuenta recomendamos que hagas una publicación a modo de presentación, contando que temas te interesan y que buscas, de esta forma podrás encontrar gente afín con quienes compartir. También te recomendamos que agregues un correo de contacto en la sección de configuraciones, para poder recuperar tu contraseña en caso de olvidarla.
Correo de contacto: animales@disroot.org
Revisa los Términos de Servicios.
La imagen de fondo es de Weronika Kolinska
Libera Site
~54 users reported
~80 users reported
くびわつきーは、NTT東日本NGN網およびIPv6インターネットユーザー向けのソーシャルネットワーキングサービスです。IPv4接続の方は新規登録できません。日常、グルメ、趣味、ポップカルチャーからサブカルチャー、よりニッチな投稿まで幅広い話題を独自の絵文字で彩る汎用サーバーです。/ KUBIWATSKEY is a social networking service for NGN (Regional IP Network) and IPv6 Internet users in Japan. It is a general-purpose server that accepts a wide range of topics from daily life, gourmet, hobby, pop culture, subculture, and more niche posts with unique reactions.
Warrows' Blog
~1 users reported
Blog geek, technos, jeux vidéos, politique
HubUP^PRO Collective
~15 users reported
This node gives you access to federated social media. Our web server is located in Asia-Pacific and uses strict end-to-end encryption across a distributed network of proxy servers. Active users are welcome; profile spam and sole marketing accounts are not permitted.
~136 users reported
For friends, robots, arcade fanatics, obsessive optimizers, and robot appreciators.
~1 users reported
I'm TheClashFruit and I like to program, explore and craft stuff. I also like to play games. I have 3 Linux servers.. So, as you can see, I like to play around with Linux too. I'm currently learning how to write proper blog posts on my blog.
Hysj Friendica Social Network
~1 users reported
The Tesaguri Bulletin
~68 users reported
Come and play with us!
ボカロ丼 misskey
~178 users reported
ボカロ丼 ( vocalodon.net ) が運営するMisskeyサーバです。
※ Vocalodon ではヤマハ株式会社の許諾を得てこの名称を利用し運営しています。
Scottish Enterprise Design blog
~13 users reported
Transforming public services to businesses in Scotland
~123 users reported
Infosec.Place - an Akkoma instance for people that are interested in security, though is not dedicated to security.
~2017 users reported
Instance PeerTube de TWEB.
Whinge Town
~137 users reported
Whinge.Town: A place for you to Whinge
~290 users reported
A video-sharing platform dedicated to musicians and all creative artists
OKSocial: Idea
~17 users reported
hosted by OKSocial; open to the public
Vilarejo Pro
~17 users reported