Fediverse | Servers | Members
~2000 users reported
The cool peertube instance.
~66 users reported
Gearlandia - Post Graduate Anime Club
~8 users reported
GSI Pixelfed
~171 users reported
~10 users reported
NSFW.lgbt is a sex-worker and LGBTQ-friendly social network that allows all adults regardless of sexuality to share legal NSFW content. This is a SAFE SPACE for LGBTQ+ adults, although non-queer adults and allies are welcome. This site runs Sharkey, a fork of Misskey, and is part of the greater Fediverse/ ActivityPub network of servers. You must be at least 18 years old to register an account and to use this service. This server, and your data, is located in Europe.
The posting of CSAM/CSEM (real or not) will not be tolerated and inviduals posting such material will be immediately reported to the authorities and their accounts removed.
This server blocks Meta's threads.net due to its refusal to fact-check and moderate harmful posts on its platform.
~139 users reported
A Peertube instance for everyone interested in walkable, livable places.
~73 users reported
A computer-centric instance all about id Tech based video games and PC/UNIX gaming.
Kevin Blades Dot Com
~1 users reported
The human behind the puppets. Tech, Online Culture, Brain Drippings
The Funky Boi
~911 users reported
~2139 users reported
Minimal, federated blogging platform.
~213 users reported
Instance francophone générale à modération humaine et pas chiante.
Infosec.Exchange Video
~670 users reported
A Video Service for Infosec.Exchange
~592 users reported
Finally, social media for FREAKS* ONLY**
(*freak is defined here as anyone who doesn't fit into societal norms.)
(**allies to the freaks are also allowed.)
Registration is CLOSED, invite codes are NOT currently being issued. Sorry!
Источник энтропии
~98 users reported
Русскоязычный инстанс для тех, кто не желает ограничивать себя рамками микроблоггинга. Сайт предназначен для ведения личных и тематических блогов и доброжелательного общения
~1 users reported
Words about music...
~10 users reported
A Decentralized Social Network
The wandering fool
~2 users reported
Nothing better to do just go walk walk
Posting Experts
~2 users reported
This Sharkey instance is a general-ish instance for those who are technically-inclined, queer, furries, shitposters, and the ilk.
This instance uses Mutant Standard emoji, which are licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License.
blobfox, neofox, and neocat emoji by @volpeon@is-a.wyvern.rip
Swaglord's Sweaty Swengagement Swamp
~1 users reported
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
~1 users reported
home of JMBzine.com and the JMB Archives
Tandem With The Random
~1 users reported
An open-format blog and on-hiatus podcast focusing on geek/pop culture
Conversations with myself
~1 users reported
A personal reflection on matters of the heart, the mind and humanity
Traveling with Sherry Lee
~1 users reported
Hidden Gems, Untouched Destinations in China
~1 users reported
~1 users reported