Fediverse | Servers | Members
~264 users reported
A collective effort to offer video hosting to anarchist collectives and individuals federated with the PeerTube network.
Registrations are open, but you need to write us with why you want a Kolektiva.media account at kolektiva@riseup.net
~599 users reported
GARR.tv è la piattaforma di live streaming e video on-demand dedicata alla comunità dell'Istruzione e della Ricerca, con cui puoi trasmettere, registrare e rendere disponibili i tuoi eventi e i tuoi video.
David Boles, Blogs
~2 users reported
Founded 1983: Liberal Mindset; Conservative Morality
~130 users reported
🍋 Лампочка - место, где люди делятся теплом излучения своих мыслей. Именно лампочку рисуют над головами людей, когда они загораются идеями.
~155 users reported
~24 users reported
Porušování zákonů České republiky není dovoleno.
Udělám vše, co je v mých silách, abych tuto instanci udržel funkční. Přesto běh tohoto serveru není zaručen. Svá data si zálohujte!
Pokusně jsem otevřel registraci bez schvalování.
Vyhrazuji si právo smazat účty, které nadměrně vytěžují server nebo propagují jakékoli ideologie.
Účty neaktivní alespoň 6 měsíců budou smazány.
Violation of the laws of the Czech Republic is not allowed.
I will do my best to keep this instance up and running. However, the running of this server is not guaranteed. Back up your data!
I tried to open the registration without approval.
I reserve the right to delete accounts that overtax the server or promote any ideologies.
Accounts inactive at least 6 months will be deleted.
Friendica Social Network
~2 users reported
~73 users reported
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
~0 users reported
iGEM Video Universe
~729 users reported
Welcome to the iGEM Video Universe!
~0 users reported
a safe home for all your data
Gregory's Server
~278 users reported
Тестовый сервер того fediverse-проекта, пытающегося быть похожим на ВКонтакте.
Test instance for that fediverse project that tries to be like VK.
Source code & issue tracker
Leminal Space - Take a break from the slow-burn apocalypse of late stage capitalism's race to the bottom
~915 users reported
Take a break from the slow-burn apocalypse of late stage capitalism's race to the bottom
~517 users reported
~659 users reported
~1 users reported
the Education Posse
~1 users reported
~691 users reported
רשת חברתית בקוד פתוח
~164 users reported
インターネットの片田舎で、余生をまったり暮らすための Pleroma サーバーです。
Desi Erotic Kinky Stories
~1 users reported
Cum Again
Patio And Driveway Cleaning Crawley
~1 users reported
Patio And Driveway Cleaning Services In Crawley, West Sussex.
Mohd Purwadi
~1 users reported
A Father, Teacher, and Digital Marketer
Living Design Abroad
~1 users reported
Radiante & Estilosa
~1 users reported
Descubra o segredo da pele radiante e de como ter uma aparência estilosa!
Segredos da Elegância
~1 users reported
Descubra o caminho simples para a beleza e elegância passo a passo