Fediverse | Servers | Members
Semaphor Social
~6 users reported
Denne Mastodon-server er for ansatte hos Semaphor. Vi tager desværre ikke imod sign-ups udefra. Hvis du har brug for at komme i kontakt, så skriv til @Semaphor, @Tobias eller info@semaphor.dk.
Mastodon - too.fan
~22 users reported
Yet another mastodon server located in Germany. Love the idea of decentralized and federated services and I want to contribute something. The server toot.fan is pretty new (January 26, 2023)
Tschopp Family Network
~5 users reported
This is a family server
~5 users reported
~4 users reported
Some guy that posts stuff
Sineware Mastodon
~14 users reported
Sineware is an organization providing free/open source cloud services, hosted on our own hardware!
Our Mastodon service is a general instance open to anyone. Join the decentralized social network!
~4 users reported
Small private instance for friends. Run by a Finn. Not open for registrations at the moment.
Osolia Social
~11 users reported
A Mastodon instance exclusively for citizens and residents of the Chiefdom of Osolia.
~17 users reported
역광의 영광
~6 users reported
Masto chez Grumpfff
~6 users reported
Serveur généraliste essentiellement destiné aux utilisateurs du domaine.
Il reste toutefois possible de s'y inscrire depuis l'extérieur.
Hébergé sur une grosse machine en Ile-de-France..
~4 users reported
the europlus zone
~6 users reported
This is the home for europlus, WOzFest, and the Applesauce Fluxes bot.
~4 users reported
~4 users reported
~52 users reported
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
Laptop obsoleto sotto la TV e piccola istanza per me e i miei amici
~30 users reported
Ilbery Family Mastodon
~4 users reported
A personal instance for Micah Ilbery and his family.
~14 users reported
Welcome on IMAGISPHE.RE, a Mastodon instance open to everyone and anyone.
~4 users reported
garmy's solo-user Mastodon server.
~4 users reported
ごろう( @gorou12 )がひとりで使う用インスタンスです。
~5 users reported
Chrispellis Mastodon
~6 users reported