Fediverse | Servers | Members
Telmina's notes
~1 users reported
PeerTube shadowfr69
~2 users reported
~298 users reported
Queer Coffee Club
~3 users reported
A self-hosted instance created by LGBTQIA+ people to be our home on the FediVerse. Our goal is to connect with other wonderful communities, make friends, and have a good time. This instance is a single user instance for two partners, there are no minors on this instance. Please see our rules for more information.
All original content posted by users of this instance (not including boosts) remains the property of that user and may not be licensed or distributed to any other entity without expressed written permission. Users retain their right to all ownership and deny any copying, sale, transmission, reproduction, license, or other commercial use of any content published on their account unilaterally. Any unauthorized use of content from this instance will be removed within the law of the state of Colorado. Any deviation from these terms must be provided in written agreement solely from the owner of the account. Instances or bots violating this policy will be defederated.
251's Blog
~1 users reported
The Blog of the EMMA Cooperative
~4 users reported
Blogs from the Members of EMMA
~1 users reported
Ceci est une instance familiale gérée par Thomas Touhey, disponible dans le portefeuilles de service du 2ECN (Touhey Computer Network).
~949 users reported
Mobilizon PUBLIC -Trobem-nos · Organitzem-nos · Mobilizem-nos
~1 users reported
An ActivityPub actor repeater.
~4 users reported
Damillora's home server for the Fediverse, running on Misskey.
Currently registration is by invitation only.
~48 users reported
Gruppen und Events für Büchermenschen
~2 users reported
~42341 users reported
Write freely on Paper.wf 在紙上自由書寫 (Welcome to the following languages: Deutsche, English, Español, français, Português, عربى, 简体中文, 正體中文, 日本語, 한국어, etc..)
Yeargin Haus
~2 users reported
Personal Mastodon server for Stephen and Samantha Yeargin.
New Site
~37 users reported
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
~56 users reported
A agenda de eventos livres e inclusivxs sem ânimo de lucro, sem bandeiras nem partidos.
bär writes
~1 users reported
Furry Federation Meetup
~30629 users reported
Our instance is focused on the furry community, and those interested in it!
Mobilizon Italia
~5248 users reported
Istanza mobilizon dedicata agli eventi italiani
~39 users reported
~7 users reported
~4 users reported
~7 users reported
Instance of @himbeer@mk.himbeer.me (@himbeerme on Twitter) for me and friends.
For rules, federation policy, moderation and contact info, please refer to this page.
Credits for banner/background: _Namfon_ on Pixabay
a.hb-custom-greenlink {
color: #85b200;